Professor Bernard Charpentier takes over as Chair of SAPEA

SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) has announced Professor Bernard Charpentier as the new chair of the SAPEA Board. Professor Charpentier is the President of FEAM (Federation of European Academies of Medicine), Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Paris Sud 11 and a Fellow of the French Academy of Medicine.

He takes over from Professor Günter Stock (President of ALLEA), who chaired the Board in SAPEA’s first year after it launched in November 2016. Since its launch, SAPEA has worked in response to requests for science advice from the European College of Commissioners on cybersecurity, new techniques in agricultural biotechnology, food from the oceans, plant protection products and novel carbon capture and utilisation technologies.

As part of the European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM), SAPEA works collaboratively with the SAM High Level Group who provide independent scientific advice to the College of European Commissioners to inform their decision making. SAPEA comprises the five European Academy Networks: Academia Europaea, ALLEA, EASAC, Euro-CASE and FEAM.

Professor Charpentier said:

“I am looking forward to chairing the SAPEA board, and to further successful collaboration with the High Level Group. I would also like to thank Professor Stock for his excellent chairmanship throughout 2017, and Professor van der Meer who was our first SAPEA Chair. The academies offer a wealth of knowledge and expertise across a broad range of subjects and geographical perspectives. Over the next year, we will continue our work in facilitating access to the academies’ expertise, providing robust evidence within the scientific advice mechanism on current topics and forthcoming challenges. I also look forward to seeing the academies offering their input into which topics will be explored in future.”

Professor Günter Stock said:

“SAPEA has had a busy and productive first year, and for me the chairmanship has been a rewarding experience. I must acknowledge the academies for their valuable contribution to the SAPEA project, for nominating experts, hosting conferences and workshops, and for collaborating with us in public engagement. I am confident that under Professor Charpentier’s chairmanship, SAPEA will remain a vital and important component of the Scientific Advice Mechanism.”

Professor Rolf Heuer, Chair of the Scientific Advice Mechanism’s High Level Group said:

“The High Level Group has enjoyed successful collaboration with academies over the past year via the SAPEA consortium. So far, we have had the opportunity to work on a broad range of topics within the Scientific Advice Mechanism, and I look forward to the High Level Group’s future collaborations with SAPEA under the chairmanship of Professor Charpentier.”

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Notes to editors:


Professor Bernard Charpentier:

Professor Bernard Charpentier received his MD and graduated in Nephrology from Paris University School of Medicine in 1975. He is Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Paris Sud, and was Head of the Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantations in the University Hospital of Bicêtre (1992-2011). He was Director of several CNRS-INSERM-University Paris-Sud 11 research units devoted to Immunology and Immunoregulation (CNRS UPR 277-420; INSERM U542-1014). He is (co)author of more than 400 pubmed-indexed publications on Nephrology and Transplantation. He was member of several Editorial Boards of immunology and transplantation journals and of immunology, nephrology, and transplantation societies. He acts as a consultant for several International, European and National Advisory Committees.


SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies): Spanning the disciplines of engineering, humanities, medicine, natural sciences and social sciences, SAPEA brings together knowledge and expertise from over 100 academies, young academies and learned societies in more than 40 countries across Europe.

SAPEA is part of the European Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM), which provides independent, interdisciplinary and evidence-based scientific advice on policy issues to the European Commission. SAPEA works closely with the SAM High Level Group of Scientific Advisors.

For further information visit or follow SAPEA on Twitter: @SAPEAnews

Contact: Laura Norton: / +3222138181


SAM (European Commission Scientific Advice Mechanism):

The SAM was established in October 2015 to contribute to the quality of EU legislation in line with the Commission’s Better Regulation Agenda and complements the existing science advisory structures of the Commission, including the Joint Research Centre (JRC). The reports and opinions are prepared under the responsibility of a High Level Group of Scientific Advisors comprising up to seven independent eminent scientists. The Group draws on the best available scientific expertise and evidence, through a close relationship with SAPEA.

For further information visit:

Contact: EC Spokesperson for Research, Science and Innovation

Twitter: #SAMGroup_EU