Food policy at a time of crisis: What should the future look like?

The global crisis of 2020 has made every one of us aware that 'business as usual' is not an option for future food policy. How have we arrived at where we are now, in terms of the food we eat, where we source it and the impact it has on our planet? What should a transformed future look like? What actions can we all take, collectively and individually, to bring about a sustainable and fair food system that is better for our health, the environment, society and the economy?



  • Professor Tim Lang – Professor of Food Policy at the City University of London, Commissioner on the EAT-Lancet Commission, which published the highly acclaimed ‘Food in the Anthropocene’ report (The Lancet, 2019)
  • Professor Terry Marsden – Professor of Environmental Policy and Planning at Cardiff University (Wales, UK), Director of the Sustainable Places Research Institute (2010-2020) and Chair of the Advisory Panel that recently oversaw a full systematic review of the European food policy landscape (SAPEA, 2020)
  • Professor Katrien Termeer – Chair of the Public Administration and Policy Group at Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands), Member of the Expert Group that recently conducted a comprehensive evidence review on Sustainable Food Systems (SAPEA, 2020)
  • Professor Carina Keskitalo – Professor of Political Science at Umea University (Sweden), Member of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors that recently published a Scientific Opinion and policy recommendations for a European sustainable food system (European Commission, 2020)

Chair and moderator

  • Professor Ole Petersen, Vice-President of Academia Europaea

Connected events

This webinar is designed to support:

  • World Food Day, 16 October. #WorldFoodDay is launching a call for global solidarity to help the most vulnerable people to recover and make food systems more sustainable, stronger and resilient to shocks.
  • EU Green Week 2020, which focuses on the theme of nature and biodiversity. #EUGreenWeek


Event details


Tim Lang

Terry Marsden

Katrien Termeer

Carina Keskitalo
